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The Bright Idea Project is a team of fifteen highschool students who believe that elements of modern society are unsustainable. As the leaders of the next generation, our company feels a resonsibility to create innovative solutions for environmental and social issues. Instead of being purely a profit-driven business, The Bright Idea Project is a movement to make a positive change. Our values are reflected in our business plan that is comprised of three parts: acitve promotion of energy efficiency, creating a product through repurposing, and finally, recognition of social responsibility through charity donation. These components have each been carefully designed with the vision of foreward thinking.


With respect to energy efficiency, our attention is driven to lighting. Being something we use everyday, many people are ignorant to the amount of energy spent both financially and environmentally on light. Although fluorescent lightbulbs are quite common, we've observed that there are still many incandescent lightbulbs in homes simply because they haven't blown out yet. This is why we go door-to-door selling fuorescent lightbulbs and in turn ask for old incandescent lightbulbs to convert into our product. 


The fact that our product is resused and not recycled is an essential detail in our company as it means that almost no energy is expended in the production process. All of our products have been made from either blown out, old, or faulty incandescent lightbulbs that we retrieve generously from multiple venues. 

Social responsibility is very important to The Bright Idea Project in addition to the environment. This is why we donate 25% of all sales to Inn From the Cold - a non profit organization that feeds and provides shelter for the homeless. 


It is evident, that our product is simply the instrument in which we accomplish our mission to make the future more sustainable; and much more than just a lightbulb candle. Our candle of industrial artwork is designed to both be functional, as well as a nostalgic symbol to costomers of their support to our cause.  


About Our Company 





  • Unique and innovative

  • Reuses old light bulbs, which appeals to many environmentally conscious consumerstyle of candle, using oil rather than using wax

  • Aromatic and aesthetically pleasing

  • Large target market, appeals to a variety of age groups

  • Can easily be marketed and sold during the Christmas season to become a gift

  • Creatively renewing the purpose of the light bulb, to give light, by converting it into its

    predecessor, the candle 

Our product will be the size of a common household light bulb, and with the added base, will fit into compact 4” x 2-1/2” x 5-3/4” packaging. The packaging of the product will be simple and recyclable, thereby meeting our goals of environmental awareness and simplicity – less is more. ​

We are aware that as this product utilizes hot oil and fire, it has some inherent safety concerns. To address these concerns, each product will have a brief write-up attached, which will review the usage instructions as well as the safety precautions. 

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